tirsdag 11. september 2007

15 Sudbury Terrace

Well, we've been promising you pictures for several weeks now, and today me and Ann was very good flatmates, we tidied and washed and cleaned all over the apartment, and it did indeed look nice enough to take a few pics to show everyone.
we did good, at 1pm we were done, i think i just means that we started early, say around 11-12 haha.. but that's a different story.
we are still missing couches and a coffeetable, but we are working on it.
We have settled in nicely, i must say, i love living here, it's heaps better than the old place, that's for sure. it's bigger, nicer, friendlier landlord. and we got an extra flatmate, June, she's great:D
And we are looking forward to her coming back from oz today, it's been quiet without her.
Other than that, we are now enjoying the break, some relaxing, housework, uniwork, etc. we are hoping to do the coast to coast walk during the break.. depending on the weather of course, and also rangitoto:D the vulcano.
Anyway, enjoy the pics hehe:D and we'll be back soon with more updates.. such as a few pics from mine and ann's week alone here in sudbury. the grøt-dinner, it was very nice.. and we also had cheese and crackers, we have some good pics:D so keep an eye out, suddenly there will be an update:D
Ida and Ann

This is were we hang our clothes to dry, u can see my fairies bedsheets, and just in the left corner u see the door to ann and david's bedroom, this is the garage, but no car.. moving on.

So you enter through that door and walk up these stairs, you round the corner..

Then you see this, which is our kitchen area.

Our lovely lovely kitchen, with space to move, and cook and bake, it's awsome

Then there's the lounge of course, the tv, kitchen table, the couches will be in here eventually, we hope hehe...

And in the other direction, you see the corner, that's where the stairs come up:D

Our absolutely gorgeous pink playstation 2, we adore it haha.. i promised u pics and here it is:D

Up again, to the 3rd floor...

You have my wonderful room(Ida), my winnie the pooh bedsheets, which will be changed to fairies soon, as these needs to be washed. My RBK Scarf, and mcfly Calendar, my new bedside table, hehe. 30$ at warehouse.

My very comfy bed, and a proper view at my bedsheets, they're cute eh? and my bridge to terbithia poster, love tha movie.

Music and lyrics, in this corner i will put a desk, when i can get one, warehouse will get them in next week, so soon. for now i pile my stuff in that corner, and yes i do have a private door to the bathroom, i hardly ever use it, as me and June are sharing.

The lovely bathroom, with our lovely bathtub, it's dead comfy to lie there after a long day. i assure u hehe:D nice shower as well. huge mirror as well, u can only see one part of it.. and i figured that wasn't much point in taking a pic of the toilet hehe, everyone's seen a toilet before:P

3 kommentarer:

Renate sa...

Wow, your place is awesome, and i just adore you playstation, i'm gonna steal it!!

Siri sa...

Nice diggs gals (and guy) ;) greitj me plass åt rompa å ikke bærre ei hand liksom ;) glede mæ t dåkk kjæm hæm.

Puss och kram!

Siri sa...

Nice diggs gals (and guy) ;) greitj me plass åt rompa å ikke bærre ei hand liksom ;) glede mæ t dåkk kjæm hæm.

Puss och kram!