First big stop was The Domain, this huge park, which we would've been lost in if there had not been arrows to point where the walkway was.. (Well me and ann would, David had the map). Eventually we got to mt.Eden, we've been up there before, but we couldn't walk the coast to coast without getting to the top again, so up we went, now cows in the vulcano this time. We had a drinksbreak and some choccy before we set off towards One Three Hill, (where there's actually no three anymore), which was fun, hehe.. considering we have a few friends who watch the tv-series called one three hill (even tho they're not related to each other)
then the hard part was over. We walked for about 6 hours, it says it takes 4-6 hours depending on fitness and age, apparantly we're not very fit then haha. But we did have many breaks along the way, and a longer lunchbreak as well:D
All in all, we had such lovely weather, (if i don't get sunburnt, something's wrong), and the trip was even better than i expected it to bed, yet a lot longer hehe. But it doesn't really matter, because i enjoyed it. We were all completely knackered when we came back, we watched Charlie and the Chocolate factory, and now we've gone to bed, i just wanted to update before i went to sleep:D
Here's some pics from the trip, sadly we ran out of battery on one three hill, so there's no pics from the end of the walk.
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