onsdag 5. mars 2008


we don't really use this blog anymore do we?
well any norwegians can check out my norwegian blog http://idapidauk.blogspot.com or kikki's norwegian blog : http://dumlekikki.blogspot.com or the blog i share with rachel http://rachelandida.blogspot.com which is in english and is where i update my lovely rachel on what i do here in wolverhampton:D

maybe we will update sometime, hehe.. it's just easy to forget.

lørdag 2. februar 2008


We had snow in England yd, I loved it.. not much stuck tho, but we had snow:D:D
The view is from my bedroom window:P

fredag 25. januar 2008


Well i am sitting here in wolverhampton, missing my dearest Ann heaps and heaps, but figured i could do the blog in english just in case someone actually might come and read it for once hehe.. Just gonna post some pics and stuff for u guys to see what i have been up to since i arrived. this first pic is Eden from Malaysia, Alex (Chien-Ting) from Taiwan and me. the second pic is Eden, Candy (Yu-Ping) from Taiwan and myself:D

A nice sign, and u can find them all over wolverhampton really:P
And right next to my uni, we have the Wolves' home stadium. for those who u who doesn't know, it's the footballteam of wolverhampton:D
One of the many buildings of my uni:

And this is where i do most of my shopping:D

And of course my room, i bought new bedsheets at asda, and i absolutely adore them, trying to decide if my next set will be thomas the tank or dora the explorer:D its a shame they dont have spongebob, but hey i might find it somewhere.. i did find simpsons in a retail store tho.. and of course u can see the pics i've put up:D

This is where i am sitting right now, except that i took the pic yd:

Some wolverhampton city central pics for u:

We also decided to go by the art gallery as it's free to look around:D

They had an exhibition called children in conflict, which left a strong impression on me:
more city center pics:
And finally for u mcfly girls:) this hall, is the civic hall where mcfly have played *thinks* it's at least 3 times:O

torsdag 24. januar 2008

my dear

No sitt æ her på rommet mitt i wolverhampton å savne kikki min, min nydelig lille kikki.
d e tomt hen uten æ,
vi e itj samboers lenger*:(:(:(

men æ ælske dæ ferdi..
har tatt litt bilda, ska ta litt fleir imorra og, så kain æ post litt åt dæ..
æ håpe æ får reist ned i februar d har æ såmy løst t.

løøøøøøw <3<3